McGovern Irish Dance Weekly Newsletter Week of June 28, 2021

Shelagh Mcgovern
Hello June!
"Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June."
~Al Bernstein

At time there may be changes that won't be reflected on the calendar, which is why our weekly newsletter is so important to our dancers Make sure you get your weekly newsletter in your inbox.





Important Dates to Remember
June 30 - July 7
Fourth of July Vacation

July 16 - 18
Beginner & Advanced Dancer Workshops Lafayette IN


McGovern Irish Dance
818 Linden Ave
Dayton OH  45410
Monday June 28
5:15 - 5:45 Tiny Jig Ages 3 - 4
6:00 - 7:00 Ullmhuchan/Mean Grad
7:00- 7:45 Rince Riot
7:45 - 8:45 Adults
Tuesday June 29
4:00 - 4:45  New Beginners
4:45 -5:30  Beginners
5:30 - 6:15 Bun Grad
6:15 - 7:00 Beginner Hard Shoe
7:00 - 8:00 Craobh Grad


Fitness Institute of Troy
101 W. Franklin St.
Troy OH

Tuesday June 29

   6:00 - 6:30 Baby Jig
  6:30 - 7:00 Mini & Tiny Jig
  7:00 - 7:45  Mixed Levels
Tippecanoe Arts Federaton
638 North St. 
Lafayette IN

Saturday July 3
No lessons!  Enjoy the Holiday!


McGovern Irish Dance Parent Connection Facebook Group

Join the private facebook group!  If you are not yet, please make sure you become a member of the MID Parents Facebook group, The McGovern Irish Dance Parent Connection.

This is a private facebook group and requires permission to enter.  Parents, guardians, grandparents, people who support your Irish dancer's endeavors, and dancers are welcome to be a part of our group.

Here is the link


























We have some AMAZING workshops for you this summer with instructors from Lord of the Dance and MORE!  .  These workshops are open to the public and of course our own dancers! Please check our WORKSHOP page for more info and to reserve your spots.





If you are paying by check in Indiana checks should be made out to Shelagh McGovern